Monday 2 January 2012

The best mattifying product I have found

Phew, Heatwave! It's nice to finally see the sun up here in Brisbane but the heat has truly taken over our southern states, sticky, moist, and no chance of your make up staying in place. Or is there?
I found this product a year ago and it is amazing, I have never had nothing work as well on mopping up the oil on my face so my carefully applied make up doesn't end up a smeared mess when I try to use blotting papers. De-Slick in a tube by Urban Decay isn't available for an easy purchase in Australia (Boo!) but you can purchase it easily enough from sources on eBay, just make sure you go for someone who has minimal negative feedback. (Some negative feedback is just people bitching that the postage took a few extra days and meow meow meow, totally the biggest issue on the planet!)
The way I use it is as a layer underneath my foundation but above primer. Urban Decay tell us that it can also be used throughout the day on top of make up, but I haven't figured out how to apply it on top without messing up my make up.
The feel on your skin can be a little tight but for the mattifying power it has that's a small price to pay!

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